Any substance, when inoculated with mycelium, leads to the growth of mycelium. The mycelium is nothing but a group of thread-like cells which grows on a substrate. In a mushroom farm, the concept of spawn is similar to that of seeds. The living fungal culture is developed from specific genetics and can is used for propagation of mushrooms.

Different choices in the market

There are different kinds of spawns available in the market. Some of the examples of common spawns are sawdust, grains, and plug. There are various advantages associated with each one of the spawns. Get the latest news on Mushroom Spawns from the website of a professional company.

  • Plug spawn

It is a group of wooden dowels which is inoculated with a fungal culture. You can use stems of toadstool or sawdust spawn for this purpose. In case of substrates which are made with fibres or wood plug spawn works out effectively. It helps in the colonization of wood chips, paper, and logs with ease. However, the demerit is that it does not work effectively for substrates which are based on straw or grain. Superior quality Mushroom Spawns are produced with the best infrastructure.

  • Grain spawn

Sterilized grains are being inoculated with spores. Though various types of grains can be used but some of the grains in everyday use are millets and rye. You may even try your hands with many cereal grains and wheat. This spawn may be used for the creation of grain spawn, sawdust spawn or other types of pasteurized substrates. This is a perfect choice for the production of spawn for substrates meant for indoor purposes. In comparison to sawdust spawn, the grain spawn is way too nutritious. Keep in mind that this is not an ideal choice for working outdoors. This is because these delicious grains tend to attract birds.

  • Sawdust spawn

It is sterilized sawdust which is inoculated with a fungal culture. Hardwood with pieces is used for making this sawdust. Ideally, the diameter should be within a few mm, and the parts should not be too large or too small. Mycelial growth can be used for the injection of outdoor beds. Since the size of sawdust is small and there are scores of them, so the number of inoculation points is also countless. So colonization is possible at a faster rate. The chances of contamination, in that case, are reduced to a significant extent.

  • Other options

There are other forms of spawn such as straw, woodchip and liquid spawn too. You may be hesitant about which spawn to use. It will depend on what kind of mushroom you would want to cultivate.

Check out the company

You should get in touch with a producer of spawn who enjoys a solid reputation in the market. The company you choose should be able to produce high-quality items as well as focus on the environmental protection aspect. Make sure that the company you select has qualified technicians to oversee each stage of production. Get in touch with them to get all your queries resolved.

If you need more information please visit  do chickens eat mushrooms

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